Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunflower+/Land Lab Groundbreaking

Busy times since I last posted. Here are some pix from the last week or so:

digging up stone and brick, turning over the soil

beginning the seating walls

time lapse of soil turning

seedlings about ready

volunteers and crew tilling away

wiring cages and stone progress

team and mayor ready to begin planting

sunflowers rising

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunflower+ Project: StL Update

The weather has been problematic but our team has found ways to make progress on the farm as well as on site. The seedlings (as shown in previous post) are in progress and now we have some things going on at the site as well.

Last week saw the delivery of the first load of reclaimed foundation stone which will be used for our retaining wall/seating area.

Yesterday we started the layout and shot the grades for the excavator that will be coming on Tuesday morning.

We'll also be working on setting up time-lapse photography for the site, setting up a project specific website and continuing to communicate through facebook and twitter as well. Please fin the project on twitter: @SunflowerStL on on facebook at:

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rebuild Revisited

Almost 2 years ago I organized the installation (pix below) next to the Rebuild Foundation's building on Mallinckrodt. The project was based on the shadows the building cast on the adjacent lot as shown in this image:

now and during installation

I laid out the lines (see above) of the shadow with students working on the site as a way to commemorate their time on the site. The lot is, I believe, owned by the city and occasionally mowed with some kind of tractor. The bricks which rise/rose above the grade have not fared well.  Here are some more images from 2 years ago and the present.

then and now

then and now

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Color, Sales, Service

Marketing, products, color and decision making. Check out this graphic from :

I have all kinds of thoughts about who/what is served by such things and what it all might mean, but I will leave to the individuals stumbling across this to draw conclusions as he or she sees fit.