Monday, November 30, 2015

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Catching Up On Reading

Since August of 2014 I've done a lot of reading, spent a fair amount of time on the streets of St. Louis and re-committed efforts related for social sustainability and against racism. The history is chilling. The faces of the lives carrying the burden of this impact are unforgettable.

Here is a basic reading list - but this should also include Gordon's Mapping Decline and Alexander's The New Jim Crow as well.

In a blog about art, architecture and sustainability a commitment to fight racism might seem, to the casual observer, to be a bit strange.

Studying the "New Urbanism" one finds all the factors for sustainability present 100 years ago in North St. Louis: Mixed income, walkable, live/work, parks, public transit and more. What happened? Middle class white folks didn't want to live with middle class black folks. This set in motion law, policy and practice created and implemented by the white power elite that discriminated against people of color and created the "Delmar Divide."

Read, learn, and work - for all,

Saturday, November 28, 2015

I'm Back

It's been a while. Many changes, new foci and new projects. More in the fullness of time.