Sunday, November 27, 2011

BPI Certification

In a week I will begin training and testing to become a BPI Certified Building Analyst and Envelope Professional. I'll have a lot to study and learn as well as equipment to master. I hope to find a bit of time to share the experience here.

I have the class materials now and have started to review our primary text. As a LEED AP I am familiar with the theoretical side of whole building science but now I will be drilling down into the 'hands on,' technical side of the work.

Go to for more info.

Friday, November 25, 2011

collage of a collage installation

This is my piece in the Sustainability and the Built Environment show juried by Chris Jordan. Its been a busy month and I hope to get back to posting stuff about the art of construction now. I have been photographing this piece in various ways to see if I can generate some useful ways of presenting the info here. It is 2'-6" x 13' and it is meant to be read and studied.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sneak Peek

Here is a detail from my piece in the Aggregate Series opening at the St. Louis Artists' Guild this Friday, 11/11/11:

Click to enlarge

Saturday, November 5, 2011

my pecha kucha moment

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sustainability Discussion at Artists' Guild

Sustainability Panel Discussion as part of the programming for the Aggregate Series which includes Sustainability and the Built Environment of the St. Louis Region

When: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Admission: Free and Open to the Public

The St. Louis Artists' Guild will host a panel discussion, moderated by Jean Ponzi (host of Earthworms on KDHX 88.1), further exploring the themes of the Aggregate Exhibition Series.

Panelists include:

Tom Bradford, Culver Way Eco village

John Wagner, FOCUS St. Louis

Dr. Tim Keane, St. Louis University Sustainability Department

Bob Hansman, Washington University Architecture Department

Charlie Vinz; ReBuild Foundation

Marc Lopata, MicroGrid Energy

Tony Sirna, Dancing Rabbit Eco Village